
Our Social Aid Programme is the main reason for the creation of Luz Solidaria: our profits go to NGOs, Foundations, entities and companies with solidarity projects linked to children, human rights, research and the environment.

Beneficiaries of Luz Solidaria

    • Abrazo Cultural was born in São Paulo in Brazil in 2014 and since 2017 is also based in Spain. The non-profit association promotes interculturality through language courses, experiential workshops and specialised training given by refugees and immigrants from countries in conflict or stigmatised countries.

    • Its teachers come from more than 15 different countries and embrace cultural, ethnic, linguistic and gender diversity. They are protagonists and share their cultures with local citizens and organisations to promote multiculturalism and break stereotypes.

    • Its mission is to transform the talents and knowledge of migrants into intercultural learning opportunities, promoting diversity and social and labour inclusion.

    If you want to help the Abrazo Cultural Association with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • They are a non-profit organisation that works to try to give opportunities to the people who need them the most.
  • They help children, women, and families at risk of social exclusion in their social intervention project in the neighbourhood of San Blas, Madrid.
  • They also train young people with intellectual disabilities broadening their work and personal skills in their LICEO project, which takes place in the inclusive environment of the university.

If you want to help the Achalay Association with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • ACTAYS is committed to children and their rights in the field of health. We ensure the dignity of children affected by neurological diseases and their families, defending their right to have their emotional aspects taken into account.
  • We promote the humanization of health environments and carry out training programs for health personnel. Furthermore, we consider that the emotional care of the patient and her environment favourably influences the development of the disease.
  • We claim equal opportunities for all boys and girls with neurological diseases, in health and social terms.
  • We make society aware of the problem of neurological and rare diseases, as well as the need to allocate funds to scientific research.

If you want to help the Actays Association with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

    • We promote a dignified life for Africans in Kenya and Rwanda by providing local social entrepreneurs with financial support for sustainable and self-sustainable projects in the field of health and education.
    • We provide financial support to partners to carry out direct intervention projects with the final beneficiaries in mind.
    • We carry out impactful medical and educational interventions.
      We raise awareness in the Spanish society in the areas of access to health and education in Africa.
    • Our cross-cutting objectives are the defence of universal human rights, the environment, gender policies, the culture of peace and the strengthening of local, national and international democracy.

    If you want to help the Africa Digna Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Afrikable is a Spanish NGDO that has been working since 2009 to achieve Women’s Empowerment and Child Development on the island of Lamu (Kenya), paying special attention to the population living in extreme poverty and at risk of social exclusion.
  • They are firmly committed to Fair Trade as the key tool to achieve women’s economic empowerment, effective gender equality, the achievement of global justice and poverty reduction.  Contributing, through its ten fundamental principles, in a decisive way to the advancement of the 2030 Agenda.
  • In the area of Volunteering and Awareness, and through its Solidarity Holidays Programme, the main objective is to raise awareness and show the reality of life in developing countries. 
  • They also offer specific CSR/CSR programmes and university internships to promote the commitment and active participation of companies and universities in contributing to the sustainable development of society.

If you want to help the Afrikable Association with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • The Aladina Foundation is celebrating its 15th year of life, helping children and adolescents with cancer and their families through its comprehensive support programme: emotional, psychological and material.

  • The organisation chaired by Paco Arango already collaborates with 18 Spanish hospitals and each year more than 1,500 children and families benefit from its programmes. The aim is that these little warriors never lose their smiles or their will to fight.

If you want to help the Aladina Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Altarriba Foundation, a non-profit organisation, develops programmes and projects dedicated to the protection of animals and nature, and is funded by financial contributions from individuals.
The main objective is to care for the animals and offer them the best conditions of health, hygiene, food and well-being; and above all, that these services are affordable for everyone, and in particular for those most in need. 

If you want to help the Altarriba Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Foundation to Help Children and Adolescents at Risk, ANAR, is a non-profit organization founded in 1970 that is dedicated to the promotion and defense of the rights of minors. Our mission is to listen to children and adolescents through our Helplines, Telephone/Chat ANAR -operational 24 hours a day every day of the year, confidential and free of charge-, help them, protect them and make them participants in the solution to their problems. To welcome children and adolescents in distress in our homes. To link ourselves with the educational system, promoting reflection and understanding. To give back to society, through our Center for Studies and Research, what minors tell us so that the necessary preventive, educational and legislative measures can be adopted to improve their reality.

Translated with (free version)

If you want to help the ANAR Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Financing to investigate childhood germ cell tumors and improve pediatric palliative care as much as possible at the Sant Joan de Déu hospital in Barcelona
  • Asociación Benéfica Anita was created in 2014 to help tackle the serious problem that affects most childhood tumors: the lack of research and effective treatments, especially in cases of relapse.
  • With the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, we raised funds to investigate the Childhood Germ Cell Tumor that took Anita, the reason to be of this Association, a few months after it was founded.
  • For this reason, taking care of the brave little ones who will not survive and accompanying their families is our other priority, financing innovative projects such as Music Therapy at home and Telemedicine, within the Pediatric Palliative Care Unit of the SJD.
  • In addition, since 2019 we have also been Founding Donors of the Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona, ​​the largest center for research and treatment of childhood cancer in southern Europe.

If you want to help the Anita Association with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

ASPACIDE Association helps those who cannot see or hear and, in many cases, cannot speak: people with #deafblindness. To achieve this, we seek, create and promote actions that develop their capabilities to the maximum, allowing their best individual and human training, and their integration into society. We manage, maintain and carry out the only Residence and Day Center in Spain specialized in #deafblind youth and adults. Non-profit, Public Utility Entity. NGO Accredited by Fundación Lealtad.

If you want to help the ASPACIDE Association with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Association of volunteers created in 1994 in the Gothic area of Barcelona, at the service of people at risk of social exclusion and vulnerable people in the neighbourhood. They work to improve the living conditions of these people: finding accommodation, assistance to battered women, management of meal grants, self-help groups, cultural and recreational activities to promote coexistence, self-esteem, and personal habits, etc.


 If you want to help Aprenem Junts with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

For 27 years, Ared Foundation has been accompanying people at high risk of vulnerability, mostly women from prisons and social services, so that they can become fully integrated into society. They do this by fostering their autonomy, through training and comprehensive accompaniment of the person, which enables them to join the labour market. Over the course of 27 years, they have helped more than 12,000 people and almost 4,000 have found work.

If you want to help Fundació Ared with a sustainable and supportive electric consumption, order your STUDY ON ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY here:

  • Arrenatura is a non-profit association with a team experienced in all types of equestrian therapies.
  • They work with many groups and organisations with and without disabilities. The benefits are physical, psychological, emotional, cognitive, sensory and social.
  • The therapeutic principles by which they are guided, together with the motivation provided by the horse, make the sessions highly effective.

If you want to help the Arrenatura Association with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

A.S.C.E Foundation (Old Sacred Heart Spain) was born on April 25, 1975 as a result of the concern of a group of former students of the school about the deficiencies that some older people suffered in those years. We are a private, non-profit Catholic Foundation. Our IDEARY defines us:
Make sure no one feels alone,
Create a family and community environment,
Encourage activity and participation,
Make sure everyone feels useful and is useful to others

If you want to help the Fundación ASCE with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Fachada Santa Filipina
Sdo Corazón



AYO Foundation – ACCELERATING YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES works to generate development opportunities for girls, boys and young people in situations of vulnerability and risk of exclusion, as well as to strengthen the social fabric and the ecosystem that supports them.

Through its different programs, Fundación AYO accompanies children and adolescents through intergenerational social mentoring (AYO IMPULSO); supports other NGOs that also work with children and adolescents by offering professional and specialized advice for structural strengthening (AYO ACELERA); and works with social impact startups to solve new challenges (AYO EMPRENDE).

If you want to help the AYO FOUNDATION with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

At ASAV RUBÍ we work to fight poverty and social exclusion, starting from proximity and from the resolution of the day-to-day problems of citizens in the different areas of work:

  1. Socio-labour insertion: this is the central axis and backbone of our project, as by getting decent job we manage to break the precariousness and critical situation in which many families find themselves. We are linked to the programme incorporated into the savings bank´s social work.
  2. Solidarity shop: is a service that delivers food, hygiene and household products to families. It functions as a shop to maintain the dignity of the beneficiary.
  3. Childhood: We fight against poverty through our child care programme that fights for better education, food, hygiene, and habits, leisure, inclusion, and ICT, energy poverty, among other.

If you want to help ASAV RUBI with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Barcelona Gat i Gos (BGiG) is an association of volunteers dedicated to the care of the urban cats as well as the reintroduction and adoption of the tame cats that they find in their colonies.
  • They work to make administrators aware of the importance of advancing in the protectionof animals and for a decent life for street cats.
  • They manage the adoption of tame cats: Some of the cats that appear in their managed colonies, victims of abandonment, are tame and suitable for living with people. They also take care of the kittens that are born in their colonies, which are fewer and fewer thanks to the CER method.

If you want to help the Barcelona Gat i Gos Association with sustainable and charitable electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Bicicletas sin Fronteras is a non-profit foundation formed by a group of people who are motivated to make actions that improve the world through bicycles.

  • We have delivered bicycles since 2012 to people and entities with the aim of improving their access to education, their social integration and their development as people.
  • We execute projects in the territories where we work that are viable, self-manageable and sustainable in the long term.
  • We finance ourselves with funds from donations from individuals, donations from companies, challenges and campaigns led by our collaborators and donations in kind of new material, especially bicycles, from companies committed to our mission.

If you want to help the Bicicletas sin Fronteras Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Boscana Foundation cares for people with intellectual disabilities and their families, since 1961, throughout the life cycle. The environment of the Boscana Foundation is integrated into a forest, natural medicine for all people, offering residential and occupational therapy services, 365 days a year, with many activities in collaboration with the community.

If you are willing to help Boscana Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electrical consumption, the ESTUDIO DE AHORRO Y SOSTENIBILIDAD demands here:

The Metastatic Breast Cancer Association was born from the iniciative of a group of patients affected by this disease, who seek to give visibility to this stage of cancer, empower patients with information and encourage more and better research to achieve as soon as possible the chronification of metastatic breast cancer.

2 in 10 women with breast cancer will develop metastases.

If you want to help the Asociación de Cáncer de Mama Metastásico with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Cáritas Diocesana de Madrid is the official body of the Church of Madrid to promote, guide, coordinate and, when appropiate, federate charitable and social action in the Diocese itself.
  • Through 455 parish Cáritas, 21 diocesan social works, 299 projects and 82 services and 9.635 volunteers, Cáritas Diocesana de Madrid welcomed and cared for 139.157 people in 2020.
  • Its purpose is to carry out the charitable and social action of the Church in the Diocese, as well as to promote, coordinate and implement the Christian communication of goods in all its forms and to help human promotion and the integral developement of all people

If you want to help Cáritas Diocesana de Madrid with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Cáritas welcomes and accompanies people and families who are having a hard time. Precarious work, lack of housing, lack of a fixed income or the gap in opportunities for children and adolescents, among other problems, demand their attention today. Every year they help thousands of people to get out of these situations that cause vulnerability and exclusion. Through work, training, covering basic needs, providing them with decent housing or psychological and emotional support, they become companions on the path of those who remain on the margins of our society.

If you want to help Cáritas Diocesana de Sant Feliu de Llobregat with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

From the FCPC they try to accompany people with cerebral palsy so that they feel autonomous and become as autonomous as possible. We work to create an educational, cultural and leisure environment that allows them to develop their own life project.

And this can only be done from the acceptance of the difference. From respect- From the sincere conviction that all people, including those with special needs, form a society and contribute as much or more than they recerive.

Our mission is to give dignity to people with cerebral palsy by putting their abilities in value, giving them greater personal autonomy and increasing their quality of life, offering them support programs adapted to their needs and their families, thus contributing to the performance of their project vital.


If you want to help Fundació Catalana per a la paràlisis cerebral with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

At Grupo Solidario Carmona Piensa en ti we seek the self-sufficiency of vulnerable people providing the means and resources to achieve it, we seek Equal Opportunities between men and women as well as the Social Inclusion od families and people who need us most.

If you want to help the Grupo Solidario Carmona Piensa en Ti with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Associació Centre Educatiu Esclat is an organisation that has grown thants to the will and effort of many people and institutions, always keeping its essential common thread: the work in favour of children and young people, especially those who are at risk of exclusion, who live in precarious situations and whose backpack is no longer loaded with the same opportunities at those of their peers. That is the most difficult and that is why Esclat wants to be by their side.

If you want to help the Associació Centre Educatiu Esclat with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Chorea Acanthocytosis (ChAc) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease similar to Huntington’s disease. Its prevalence and incidence are unknown but it is estimated that there are currently around 1,000 cases worldwide and there are currently no curative treatments. The ChAc Foundation is made up by affected people, family members and professionals who work to raise funds that go entirely to the research team led by Dr. Jodi Alberch (Department of Biomedicine of the Faculty of Medicine- IDIBAPS- University of Bacelona).

If you want to help ChAc with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Improve the well-being of disadvantaged children and youth in Venezuela, developing sustainable health and education programs, in collaboration with local allies.

If you want to help the Chamos Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Fundació Champagnat is a non-profit organization whose purpose is:

  • Contribute to the promotion and assistance of the most needy people, especially through the social action of organized groups, and promote social volunteering.
  • Promote the improvement of educational quality, especially through the permanent training of the staff of the Marist centers of Catalonia, as well as training, instruction and education in all its aspects.

If you want to help the Fundació Champagnat with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

A non-profit organisation at the state level driven and promoted by the Congregation of the Marist Brothers to channel and support the socio-educational projects and works that are developed in the territories of the Province of Mediterranea. Its main purpose is to improve the living conditions and promote the personal, social and educational development of children and young people in social exclusion and at risk, as well as their families.

If you want to help the Associació Compartir with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Comkedem is a non-profit entity that carries out free time activities and adapted sports for children and young people with physical disabilities, without relaxation and jointly.

  • Through our activities, we encourage the autonomy and independence of all our participants.
  • We do sports (hockey, basketball, slalom, wheelchair initiaion), free time (monthly activities, sports center, summer cams, autonomous stay), parties (Solidarity Party, concerts, Christmas Parties), trips (Londos, Paris, Donosti, Mallorca, Belgium, Holland, etc.)

If you want to help Comkedem with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Confederación ASPACE is the entity that represents the Associative Movement of families and people with cerebral paralysis, made up of 85 entities, 230 care centres and 5,300 professionals who care for more than 20,000 people with cerebral paralysis and their families.
  • Cerebral paralysis is a multi-disability caused by injury to the brain before its full development and maturation. The injury that causes cerebral palsy can occur before birth, at birth, or after birth and up to the age of 3 years. It is a physically based multiple disability. This means that all people with cerebral palsy have difficulties with mobility, control, coordination and muscle tone, posture, and balance.
  • It is a pluridisability because each person with cerebral palsy has a combination of two or more disability situations in a particular and individualised way. Thus, each person with cerebral palsy is unique and unrepeatable, giving rise to an heterogeneity of profiles of people with cerebral palsy.
  • 80% of people with cerebral palsy and related disabilities have high support needs, whether physical, intellectual, communicational, or a combination of two or more factors. This fact necessarily leads to the provision of human support 24 hours a day a week for the development of their activities of daily living.
  • We work to put the needs of people with cerebral palsy at the centre of the support they receive: we want to create a tailor-made suit for each person according to their support needs, respecting the wishes and preferences of each person.

#WeAreASPACE and #CerebralParalysis

If you want to help Confederación ASPACE with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Autism Spain is a state-wide confederation declared a Public Utility Entity by the Ministry of the Interior. It brings together and represents more than 160 member entities.

The mission of Autism Spain is to support people with autism and their families by promoting the claim and effective exercise of their rights, with the purpose of promoting their quality of life and achieving equal opportunities.

Institutionally represents the interests of the collective; influences at a political and social level and defends their rights; promotes research and evidence-based practice; promotes specialized support models that improve the quality of life; and supports the union, structuring and development of the associative fabric.

If you want to help Confederación Autismo España with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

It is a non-profit organization dedicated to diabetes research and prevention.
The Foundation’s main objective is to promote diabetes awareness and education, fund research projects to find a cure, and improve the quality of life of people living with the disease. In addition to supporting people living with the disease, raising public awareness about diabetes, funding diabetes research, and advocating for better policies and practices in diabetes care and prevention.


If you want to help Fundación Diabetes Cero  with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Diversitas Foundation is a private non-profit organization aimed at supporting those people or families in vulnerable situations to overcome their difficulties through comprehensive intervention processes, through the development of individualized itineraries, centered on the person, promoting their full development. and autonomy. For this we have social action, career guidance, housing and leisure programs.

If you want to help the Diversitas Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

From D4G they want to help girls recover their smile and confidence, complementing the essential task of organizations that work in areas with few resources.
They focus on dolls as a basic game for motor, emotional, social and cognitive development, which allows them to easily identify with the real world.
For them, giving dolls is not a gift, it is a necessary good, they are convinced that a doll inspires the limitless potential of each girl and we believe that empowering them from an early age serves as a catalyst to unleash their full power.

  • Currently they have a 700 prepared for children up to 5 years.
  • They distribute a total of 13,800 toys in the refugee camps in Athens and camps in Central Greece.

A doll for a doll.

His great goal is to bring the dolls to the camps, along with the patterns for professional suits and clothing to be made from the refugee camps themselves.
It is about making something more pleasant the hard daily life of the people who have to live in the refugee camps.

    • Support families with one of their affected members. Emotional support and information about available resources (disability, dependency, services offered by FEDER and any other help that may benefit our collective) is given.
    • Disseminate information about the syndrome, in the health, social and educational fields
    • Establish a national network of professionals who are experts in the syndrome and collaborate in expanding the international network
    • Promote research on the DDX3X syndrome in Spain and collaborate in research projects in other countries

If you want to help the DDX3X Association with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Fundación El Hogar is the non-profit NGO that created the first animal sanctuary in Spain more than fourteen years ago. They all are activists and they want to improve this world, especially for the most disadvantaged, which, currently by number, are the animals.

Since then, they have kept their basic pillars intact with the aim of achieving a fairer and healthier society for all animals (human and non-human).

These pillars are built on the basis of:

  • The defence of the rights of animals
  • The promotion of veganism as a way of life
  • Support for all those groups that, in one way or another, are rejected or mistreated in today’s society

If you want to help the El Hogar Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Enriqueta Villavecchia Foundation was created in 1989 to meet the needs of children and young people with cancer, or other serious illnesses that limit their lives, and to support their families.
In coordination with the five reference hospitals in Oncology and Hematology, the Foundation works different lines of work to offer comprehensive care and improve their quality of life:

  • Social care for families
  • Pediatric Palliative care “Count on Me”
  • Accompaniment volunteering
  • Support for research and training with specialized grants
  • Leisure, educational and sports activities
  • Hospital Inconvenients

If you want to help the Enriqueta Villavecchia Foundation with sustainable and charitable electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

    • We support patients with liver ailments to support them in all their rights and needs through our member associations spread throughout the national territory.
    • We provide psychological support through psychologists from the different associations, and we encourage emotional support through mutual aid groups, and we seek to provide facilities to all those who are facing the moment of change that a transplant or irreversible liver disease entails.
    • We seek to disseminate verified and reliable information through our digital media and as well as through training and talks at schools, institutes and universities about healthy lifestyle habits, liver disease and prevention.
    • We work seeking cohesion between the different interest groups, to achieve a foundation of trust, empathy, understanding and commitment between organizations and social actors such as the administration, patient organizations, professionals and healthcare providers, industry, the scientific community, the media, etc. .

  • The Entrecaballos C.I.D.E.R.R.E. Association (Centre for Research and Development of Equine Therapy and Equine Rehabilitation), declared of Social Interest, was founded in 2012 with the aim of developing and promoting Therapeutic Riding as well as the rescue and rehabilitation of horses.
  • Its vocation is to work with the most disadvantaged groups in order to offer them a positive change in their lives, reinforcing their strengths and contributing to the development of their potential. They promote access to happiness.  By reconnecting with nature and interacting with animal life, they promote the improvement of physical and emotional health and, therefore, the wellbeing of the people and families who visit them and participate in their therapeutic sessions.

If you want to help the Entrecaballos C.I.D.E.R.E. Association with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • At Associació Gabella we aim to promote children and young people who are in situations of social vulnerability in the Gothic neighbourhood of Barcelona, based on the daily work of professionals volunteers.
  • The educational and social care we provide is also extended to their families so that it is comprehensive and of high quality.

If you want to help the Fundació Escó with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Panchsheel Tribal School is a charity that welcomes boys and girls in India, in the village of Bahira, district of Maharashtra, and finances the studies for selected students.

  • It seeks to integrate into society marginalized groups, local tribals, an extremely poor and illiterate population. In this part of India, public investment in education, health and sanitation is well below that of most Indian states.
  • Girls in particular have fewer opportunities than boys to receive an education, be educated, become independent and determine their own lives. Do not forget that these are arranged marriages. India has almost one thousand four hundred million inhabitants, corresponding to 48% of the female population.
  • Since 2014, the NGO finances nursing studies for selected students, thus promoting an independent economic and personal future for women.

Its goal is to admit new students to the nursing school each year, to; finance higher education for girls without resources, eliminate poverty, promote equality and for the social and labor integration of trained nurses.

  • Pedagogical support so that young people do not fall at risk of social exclusion. They consolidate their education, encouraging their attraction to recreational and leisure activities, combining them with values that improve the development of their academic and intellectual training and respect for their social and environmental surrounding.
  • They promote the dissemination of their entertainment book (see:, which calls for reflection and uncovers a higher degree of awareness and sensitisation of the human spirit (a shake up to our ethics).
  • They also provide funds to other entities that share these same principles.

If you want to help Espirítus en Carne with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The main mission of the Asociación Española de ELA (adELA) is to support and improve the quality of life of people affected by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and other motor neuron diseases.
Today the cause of the disease is unknown and it develops causing a progressive paralysis of the muscles of the body until complete paralysis (including speech, swallowing and breathing), while intellectual capacity and senses remain intact, with a fatal prognosis.
Our activity is developed through actions aimed at:

  • Offering and managing the necessary care for patients to improve their quality of life: physiotherapy, speech therapy, psychology, alternative therapies, carers, and specific workshops.
  • To provide patients with technical support material adapted to their needs.
  • To provide guidance and information about the disease, through social workers, psychologists and other professionals.
  • To offer appropriate training to health professionals involved in the care and follow-up of patients.
  • To inform and sensitise public opinion and public and private institutions about the problems that this disease causes for those affected and for society.
  • To promote and financially support scientific research into the disease.


If you want to help the Asociación Española de ELA with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Fundación Exit’s mission is to reduce early school leaving among young people in situations of social vulnerability through innovative and scalable training projects that form an itinerary and provide added value to companies, foster networking and promote job placement.

Their Values:

  • Trust in young people
  • Equal opportunity
  • Innovation
  • Professionalism
  • Networking
  • Bridge between the corporate world and the social world
  • Sustainability
  • Diversity

If you want to help the EXIT Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • The Ficat Foundation, formally constituted in 2000, but with a previous trajectory as an association since 1996, is configured as a space for accompaniment, residential shelter, legal advice and training.
  • Our mission is to promote equity and social justice through the defence of human rights in the practice of law, shelter and human development. Our overall objective is to ensure social justice, to fight for the defence of human rights and the inclusion of all persons and groups at risk of social exclusion, guaranteeing the full exercise of their rights.
  • The organisation’s work is focused on some of the groups in situations of vulnerability, such as refugees and migrants, people deprived of their freedom and young migrants on their own.

If you want to help the Ficat Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Fundació Escó assists and accompanies families at risk of social exclusion in the Raval neighbourhood and its surroundings to improve their quality of life, focusing on women and their children.
  • For more than 30 years, we have focused on the task of being by people´s side, promoting their autonomy through training, comprehensive accompaniment, and the development of their own abilities.
  • We promote volunteering as a tool for social transformation and we carry out training activities in order to raise awareness among citizens about the reality of the Raval and the vulnerable situations in which many families live.

If you want to help the Associació Gabella with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

We are a small non-profit association that manages urban colonies in the city of L’Hospitalet. We take care of these cats with love and dedication, we feed them and provide veterinary care.

We do not receive subsidies from any administration, so the economic effort falls on our volunteers and friends who help us… Thanks to this effort, in January 2019, we managed to open “La casa dels Gats”, a foster home for the recovery of cats that we rescue or are abandoned, for whom we look for a new home.

We also work to raise awareness for the respect and against animal abuse and abandonment in collaboration with other associations and organisations in the city.

Help us help them!

If you want to help the Associació Gats de LH with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Non-profit association that works to promote and raise awareness of the bond between people and dogs as a tool to improve the well-being of both.
  • We make audiovisual, awareness materials, generate educational materials and devise programs to improve the quality of people with the dog as the protagonist.

If you want to help Huellas Compartidas with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT project offers minors in our environment in situations of vulnerability and social exclusion the opportunity to work on certain values ​​of citizenship and related to personal growth in addition to providing a daily healthy diet that contributes to alleviating the difficult situation they are going through due to to their personal and social circumstances. It is an inclusive project in which we serve any minor, including in our activities those who also have a physical, educational or emotional disability. We are located in the rural area of ​​the Vega del Guadalquivir, in the towns of La Puebla del Rio and Isla Mayor.

If you want to help the Impacto Solidario ONG with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:


  • We are the NGDO promoted by the Teresian Association, founded in 1992, which is committed to a transformative education that generates the active and committed participation of all people in favor of justice, gender equality and social and environmental sustainability.

  • An organization that promotes educational processes for personal and collective change in favor of social justice, equity and care for people and nature, open to participation and dialogue with groups and people from different countries.

If you want to help the InteRed NGDO with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • INTHEOS Foundation finances scientific research projects aimed at finding new ways of treating those patients who have not reacted to traditional chemo or have no cure from a first diagnosis.
  • It focuses on the search for personalized treatments and innovative medicine.
  • It seeks to facilitate access to the most advanced treatments and cancer research for cancer patients.

If you want to help Fundación INTHEOS with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Financing and promoting the opening of Scientific Research Projects for the study of rare diseases.
Contribution to the training of researchers and professionals. Essential to offer an accurate diagnosis and progress quickly in the study and research of less common diseases.
• The integration of knowledge tools and methods that increase the efficiency of treatments: creation or adaptation of existing laboratories, creation and maintenance of bio-banks, patient databases and cataloging of diseases.
Dissemination of the research work and general aspects that may be of interest to patients and affected relatives.
Support for patient associations, the search for synergies and joint actions with other entities with similar purposes.
• Attention to those affected and their families within the scope of the Foundation’s powers.

If you want to help the Isabel Gemio Association with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

iSYSs is a foundation to develop social digital health projects, whose objective is to contribute to the improvement of the health and quality of life of the population, through the generation and dissemination of knowledge of excellence in the health field of the use of Networks ( Internet).

As a mission they have to contribute to the improvement of health and quality of life through; the search for the best practices in digital health communication, the implementation of network health projects using the Internet, and the collaboration, consultancy and teaching of these practices, for a better social impact.

While, the vision is to become a leading organization in the consolidation of useful network health projects, adequately managing the different disciplines that these projects combine. Reference organization, capable of establishing good practices, disseminating knowledge and sharing resources.

Lastly, the values of the foundation are; commitment to society, equity, respect, responsibility, solidarity, honesty, neutrality and sustainability.

If you want to help the iSYS Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • ITWILLBE, ONG de innovación social que trabaja para contribuir a acabar con la pobreza a través de la solidaridad eficiente.
  • Con una experiencia de 13 años colaborando con proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo en terreno, ITWILLBE busca en la innovación tecnológica soluciones a los grandes retos sociales, con especial foco en Infancia y Mujer.

Si quieres ayudar a la Fundación ITWILLBE con un consumo eléctrico sostenible y solidario solicita tu ESTUDIO DE AHORRO Y SOSTENIBILIDAD aquí:

Non-profit entity made up of a team of professionals who attend the needs of people with intellectual disabilities, within the educational field and provide support to their families, currently having an Occupational Center, a Day Care Center and a Residential Center.

The José Luis Zarzuca Foundation has as main objectives:

      • Improve the quality of life of users by developing personal autonomy and functionality in their daily lives.
      • Facilitate the developement of users by carring out activities that allow them to have a better quality of life, in an environment that respects their needs and with adequate support and supervision.
      • Promote their personal and social autonomy to expand coexistence in their environment and promote the normalization of their situation.
      • Facilitate the developement and normalization of the life of the family system.
      • Guarantee accomodation services, maintenance, and all those activities that are required, as well as access to medical-health and psychosocial care, for users who occupy a place in the residential service.

If you want to help the José Luis Zarzuca Foundation with sustainable and charitable electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Josep Carreras Foundation againts childhood leukemia is the international organization of reference on the field of research against leukemia and aid programs for patients affected by this disease.
  • Luz Solidaria joins the Josep Carreras Foundation against childhood leukemia as an Honorary Company and thanks to this collaboration the Josep Carreras Foundation can continue UNSTOPPABLE to fulfill its objective: to investigate the disease in order to one day achieve a total cure.

If you want to help the Josep Carreras Foundation with sustainable and charitable electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

They make the lives of children and adolescents undergoing cancer treatment happier by transforming hospitals into magical places, building gardens, cinemas, moon stations, and, of course, by donating video game consoles and tablets so that BY PLAYING, CHEMO FLIES BY!

If you want to help the Jugateràpia Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electric consumption, request your STUDY ON STANDARDIZATION AND SUSTAINABILITY here:

It is a non-profit association from the San Roque neighborhood of Badalona that promotes education and sports to promote the social and labor integration of children and young people. Activities such as soccer, boxing, school reinforcement classes or exchange at the European level.

If you want to help the KALI ZOR with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • They help children who are homeless, abandoned, malnourished, victims of child labor and exploitation, and physically and sexually abused.
  • Protecting their fundamental rights: to a dignified life, to protection against abuse and exploitation, to grow up in a healthy and affectionate environment and to maximum physical and mental developement.

If you want to help the Kalipay Negrense Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

It is a general interest social action entity that develops social projects that support the socialization of people with borderline and offers support to social entities that work for the rights of people with functional diversity.

For more than ten years, he has worked to make visible this human condition that is difficult to diagnose and has consolidated a basic innovative intervention model in the individualization and coordination of the supports that the person wants to develop their life project.

His vision is a reference entity in the coordination of the individualized support that each person with borderline intelligence needs, making it easier for them to develop their life project in equal conditions.

  • Labdoo is a humanitarian social network where people from all over the world collaborate to reconvert used computers into educational devices, bringing them to schools in a CO2 neutral way.
  • To date they have managed to make available more than 34,250 devices, reaching more than 690,000 students in more than 142 countries.
  • You can be a part of it too, join a hub near you or create your own hub. Donate your used computer or simply tell your friends about Labdoo. There are many ways you can help:

If you want to help the Labdoo NGO with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Light Humanity support local communities to generate and share their own renewable energy. They achieve this through their energy access methodology, which is based on 3 lines of action:

  • LIGHT ENERGY: Technological solutions for sustainable energy consumption and storage adapted to each community.
  • LIGHT EDUCATON: Technology training solutions that empower the local community.
  • LIGHT FUNDING: Financial solutions that remove economic barriers to energy access.

Since 2018 Light Humanity has managed to ensure access to clean and affordable energy for more than 20,000 people.

If you want to help the Light Humanity Association with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The aim is to provide bed, bath and food to those who have had to leave their homeland, family and friends, trying to find a place that allows them to develop as individuals and help them to integrate into society.

If you want to help Loles Medrano with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Lukas Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life of children and young people with severe multiple disabilities and their families through an innovative care model.

  • In 2014 they opened the doors of the FLK Centre for young people with disabilities in Alicante, where various therapies and programmes have been carried out since then.
  • In October 2016, permanent stays began in the Sheltered Housing, which to date has six residents with severe disabilities, subsidised by the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Generalitat Valenciana.
  • They also carry out projects to raise awareness and support families, such as temporary stays.

More information at

If you want to help the Lukas Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • They consider it vitally important to educate children in values, as our future will depend on them, which depend on them, which is why they organise their Film Days on Education and Values, with schoolchildren from all over Spain.
  • In addition, they develop solidarity projects in order to collaborate with numerous NGOs, associations and foundations in their different programmes, ranging from medical research into rare diseases, to the fight for the integration of disabled people, improving the quality of life of the elderly, helping those most in need or conserving the environment and boosting rural economies and areas at risk of depopulation, among many things.
  • They grant the award “Solidarity Olive Tree and Solidarity Godfather, the Oil of life”, rewarding entities, institutions and personalities for their solidarity or their contribution to the promotion of values such as respect, self-improvement, teamwork… giving their name to a centenary olive tree within the “Eco Educational Park for Solidarity and Concord of the Peoples”, located in the municipality of Carboneros, in Jaén.

If you want to help Fundación Lumière with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • The Fundación Protectora de Animales del Principado de Asturias (La Protectora) is a non-profit organisation created in 2012. The Protectora was created in response to the high number of animals that are abandoned and/or mistreated in Asturias and the deficient attention they receive from the administration which, with few and very noble exceptions, has not known how to or has not wanted to deal with this situation in a humane manner and in accordance with an advanced society.
  • The Protectora is legally constituted, registered in the Register of Foundations of the Principality of Asturias and its Animal Shelter in the Register of Zoological Nuclei.

If you want to help La Protectora Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

We fight against energy poverty

  • Processing of the social bonus and aid for vulnerable consumers
  • Defense of the rights of vulnerable consumers
  • Aid to pay the bill for severely vulnerable consumers or at risk of exclusion

We defend the environment and fight against climate change

  • Environmental impact awareness programs associated with energy consumption
  • Practical workshops on reducing the ecological footprint and carbon footprint
  • Promotion of good environmental practices, energy-saving and consumption of renewable energy

We promote other foundations and NGOs by raising funds for their purposes

  • New ways of raising funds for other foundations and associations through the electricity bill from consumers sensitized with their social purpose
  • We help other foundations and associations to participate in awareness and reduction of environmental impact programs

If you want to help the Fundación Luz Solidaria with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

We work to accompany homeless people in their struggle for decent housing and social and labour insertion, hand in hand with our member organisations: d’Acollida, Companya de les Filles de la Caritat and l’Orde Hospitalari de Sant Joan de Déu.

If you want to help the Mambré Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Manos Unidas has been fighting for more than 60 years against hunger, poor nutrition, misery, disease, underdevelopment and lack of education in the most vulnerable countries and communities on the planet.

If you want to help the Manos Unidas Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Fundació MIRANDA takes in horses from difficult situations of mistreatment, isolation or abandonment, and offers them a dignified life. 
  • They raise awareness of these horses, not only to prevent them from having to live undignified lives, but also to explain that without the presence of large herbivores in our territory, it will always be a sick territory.
  • Horses that transform the landscape and make land stewardship and fire prevention. Horses that, through getting to know them and getting to know them, make us better people.

If you want to help the Miranda Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Mission: Fundación Nueva Compasión was born to help animals, to create spaces where we care for them and love them as a family that must be protected.
  • Sanctuary Compasión Animal is the first of these projects, a shelter for animals that have suffered abuse, mistreatment or abandonment, to which society has turned its back.
  • As a Foundation we can help animals more efficiently, gathering more resources and offering donors the possibility of deducting their donations. It is an important qualitative leap that Santuario Compasión Animal needs to be able to professionalize the work and give a home to more rescued animals.

If you want to help the Fundación Nueva Compasión with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Fundación Ojos del Mundo is a non-profit organisation that fights avoidable blindness, which is preventable or curable and exists in the most vulnerable areas of the world.

Giving back people their vision is the first step in helping them to see a future in their lives. It is also another way to fight poverty, by looking it in the eye.

According to data from the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, there are currently 1.1 billion people living with vision loss due to lack of access to basic eye health services, almost 90% of whom live in low and middle income countries and 90 % of all cases could be avoided with the means and techniques we use in the countries around us.

Ojos del Mundo works to change this unfair situation and achieve a world where people with visual problems and without economic resources in low- and middle-income countries can receive quality ophthalmological care from their eye health services and at the same time create the necessary conditions to reduce the incidence of eye disease in each territory. To this end the foundation is committed to training and empowering local professionals.

Poor eye health and poor vision negatively affect people’s quality of life, education and employment. In addition, vision loss has substantial financial implications for individuals, families and communities. It is estimated that the annual global productivity loss due to visual impairment is approximately $441 billion per year.

By contrast, vision unlocks human potential: it facilitates many activities of daily life, enables better educational outcomes, and increases labour productivity, reducing inequality. And, at the same time, it enables progress on the SDGs, contributing to poverty reduction, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality and decent work.

Ojos del Mundo aligned to the SDGs 2030 aim to move towards a fairer and more equitable world where the right to health is guaranteed and eye care is accessible to all, leaving no one behind. And that’s why Ojos del mundo:

  • Brings eye care closer to the most vulnerable population so that people can work, care for their families and lead independent lives.
  • Integrate ophthalmology services into basic health services, establishing eye care as an essential part of Universal Health Coverage.
  • It provides eye check-ups in schools in the poorest areas to ensure optical corrections for pupils and ensure that all children can attend school.
  • And it promotes the empowerment of women individually and collectively in the field of eye care, with the aim of ending gender inequalities in access to health.

If you want to help the Ojos del Mundo Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

NeuroPed is a specialized children’s neurorehabilitation center dedicated to the threatment of neurological pathologies and disabilities in children from birth to their transition to adulthood (0-21 years).

Thanks to the donation from Luz Solidaria, NeuroPed has been able to acquiere Vibra Plus, a new system for the non-inasive treatment of muscle and neuromuscular diseases.

If you want to help the NeuroPed Center with sustainable and charitable electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Foundation’s mission is to promote research to prevent Alzheimer’s and offer solutions that improve the quality of life of affected people and their caregivers.

  • A future without Alzheimer’s: we dream of future without Alzheimer’s in which growing older is one more stage of life, with fullness to enjoy it.
  • Sciencie, the only way out: we are convinced that only through sciencie and innovation will we be able to defeat Alzheimer’s.
  • Prevention and quality of life: we are committed to disease prevention and improving the quality of life of patients and caregivers.

If you want to help the Pasquall Maragall Foundation with susainable and charitable electricty consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • The mission of the Foundation Pequeño Deseo (FPD) is to make the wishes of children with chronic illnesses or poor prognosis come true in order to support them emotionally and make their illness more bearable, more than half of them are children with oncological illnesses.
  • We work individually with each child to invite them to dream so that they can express their greatest dreams, with the help of the Foundation’s staff, mostly child psychologists, trained and prepared to do so, and with the complicity of the parents.
  • The whole process is secret for the child until the end, when we give him or her our wand and tell him or her that the wish he or she expressed is going to come true, with the aim of multiplying the illusion.
  • It is also scientifically proven that the fulfilment of a wish generates positive emotions that have an enormouly positive effect on their well-being and on the way they cope with the disease.

If you want to help the Pequeño Deseo Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

AsoPMR is an association for people with reduced mobility, its mission is to collect and distribute useful information to improve their quality of life, promote tools that help the group with reduced mobility, as well as raise awareness, advise and train public and private entities regarding to places for people with reduced mobility.

Si quieres ayudar a la Asociación de Personas con Movilidad Reducida con un consumo eléctrico sostenible y solidario solicita tu ESTUDIO DE AHORRO Y SOSTENIBILIDAD aquí:

If you want to help the Asociación de Personas con Movilidad Reducida with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Its purpose is of general interest and its aim is to contribute to the welfare of society and to the improvement of the quality of life of people at risk of exclusion, especially children and young people, intervening directly with them or together with their families, as well as indirectly by supporting other foundations or institutions.

If you want to help Port Aventura with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

From the beginning, cooperation was directed towards education and training, since it was considered to be a fundamental basis for the development of the area, given the existing level of illiteracy (90%). Currently the schooling rate in the area is 80%. Nursery and primary school were the first stage of the project with the initial goal of educating the boys and girls of the villages. Improving healthcare was also raised as a preferred objective. Reduce the structure and management expenses of the foundation to a maximum, for greater effectiveness.
Other realizations:
Projects that we have carried out and equipped, for the state and for other organizations, which we do not manage but we do supervise.
– Secondary and high school in Louly Bentegné: 20 classrooms + laboratory classroom + management office + bicycle workshop.
– Secondary school in Soussane: 6 classrooms + laboratory classroom + management office.
– Secondary school in Gouye Mouride: Replacement of 6 reed classrooms.
– Primary school in Nianiar: Two classrooms + director’s office.
– Nursery classrooms in Sandiara: 3 classrooms.
– Classroom at the Mbour Sérère school.
– Classroom at Zone Sud school.
– Promotion center for women.
– Dispensary and maternity in Louly Bentegné (Managed by our foundation until 2019, when we transferred it to the state. Currently it is managed by the town’s Health Committee.

If you want to help the Por Una Sonrisa en África Association with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Fundación Olivares has been working for more than 10 years  to improve the quality of life of children and adolescents suffering from cancer and/or other chronic diseases and their families by offering a series of free services complementary to medical treatment: speech therapy, psychology, physiotherapy, nutrition, social and economic aid, body, soul and mind balancing techniques, housing and recreational activities.
  • Under the motto “Soul Magic and heart” they accompany these families on this difficult path with the ultimate goal of building a Pediatric Oncology Center in the province.

If you want to help the Olivares Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Prevent Foundation is a private and independent non profit entity that works to facilitate labor inclusion that benefits people, companies and society.
  • Labor inclusion increases the self-esteem and security of people with disabilities and allows them to develop and have their own  life project, contributing to their development and personal growth. It helps companies to evolve by enchancing the richness of points of view in organizations, allows them to connect with a new socially committed public and allows them to promote a more sensitive, egalitarian, modern and advanced society.

If you want to help the Prevent Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Mission: through the presence of the dog, they promote the integral recovery of women and minors who have suffered situations of gender violence.
  • With the support of the dog, they promote the improvement of mental and emotional aspects, providing the tools and giving the necessary capacity to promote the exit from the situation of exclusion, a consequence of the violence suffered.

If you want to help Associación Proyecto Escan with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Recover Foundation works to facilitate access to quality healthcare with a future for all people in sub-Saharan Africa, with a sustainable healthcare model. The professionalisation of local staff, the support of local organisations that coordinate on the ground, not-for-profit and with social prices, and a policy of zero tolerance to corruption are the basis of our model.

  • Training: empowering the future. We promote the training of local health and management professionals, in person and online, to provide quality health care.
  • Hospitalsa health network : We strengthen non-profit health structures by supporting their health and management development in various countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Telemedicine: healthcare that connects: We connect African and Spanish health professionals to solve complex cases and promote the exchange of knowledge.
  • Patients: opportunities that heal: We offer a second chance to people who need medical care that cannot be provided in their country of origin by treating them in Spain.

If you want to help the Recover Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

REDMADRE Foundation offers comprehensive support to pregnant women with difficulties to support and accompany them in the process of overcoming the conflicts that have arisen due to being pregnant. With our network of more than 1,000 volunteers in REDMADRE Associations in Spain, we offer each woman who contacts us, according to her specific circumstances and needs: emotional support, psychological, medical and legal advice, and material help. As well as training around motherhood and access to employment.

If you want to help the REDMADRE Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Refugees Welcome (RW) is a citizen platform that aims to promote a Welcome Culture in Spain, through the promotion of coexistence between displaced people (applicants for International Protection and refugees) and local people, based on horizontality, equality and mutual respect. In this way, RW fights for the right to housing of this group, which encounters multiple obstacles when it comes to real access to housing. The need to have a home, a place that can be a refuge and a place of comfort for people who are forced to move from their countries of origin, is essential to be able to (re)build the rest of their lives and to be able to live together in the new territory, language, society and culture.

In order to achieve this objective, a specific methodology is implemented to generate horizontal coexistence spaces within the homes, putting in contact local people, eager to meet people from other cultures and backgrounds, with IP applicants, refugees or migrants. Our mission is to facilitate real coexistence, where there is an exchange and mutual enrichment for both parties. The houses share, in addition to the physical space, their day to day life. These cohabitations are accompanied throughout the process by the figure of the Local Link (LV), volunteers of the organization who support both the house and the displaced person in issues related to the cohabitation. At the same time, they accompany the displaced persons by facilitating social and leisure spaces, language exchange, etc. Our intention is to promote intercultural homes where positive stories are created, overthrowing prejudices and favoring an inclusive society away from hate speech.

Our work focuses on 3 main lines of action: 1) Shelter and access to housing, 2) Participation and empowerment of citizens through volunteering and 3) Social advocacy and awareness. We develop these three axes in all the communities where we are present: Madrid, Catalonia, Albacete, Galicia, Valencia, Balearic Islands and Murcia. We are part of the international network Refugees Welcome which, with the same philosophy and objectives, is present in 12 countries in Europe, South America and Australia. At the national level, we began our journey in August 2015.

If you want to help the Refugiados bienvenidos España Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Roure Foundation is an entity attached to Ciutat Vella, which attends to the basic needs of the great people and their families. It provides tools for each one to be autonomous.

If you are willing to help the Roure Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricty consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Sandra Ibarra Foundation has been working with cancer patients and survivors for 16 years, promoting research, awareness and prevention projects with the aim of improving their well-being and quality of life.

In recent years, after the increase in survival rates and the absence of specific assistance plans for the more than 2 million survivors in Spain, the Foundation has focused on finding solutions in this area.

If you want to help the Sandra Ibarra Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Santuario Gaia was founded in October 2012 by Ismael López and Coque Fernández to save animals in need of help, and thereby promote veganism.
Their first mission is to save lives, and once they are safe, to cover their food, veterinary and emotional needs. To provide adequate facilities for each individual, giving them safety, but at the same time, allowing them to live as natural a life as possible.

If you want to help the Gaia Sanctuary Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • They are a Non-Governmental Organisation for Development. They work in five countries in Latin America and Africa and in seven areas of action, highlighting children, education, women, and health.
  • They are an organization that is committed to the integral development of people, helping to generate opportunities and strengthen their capacities so that they can build a better future for themselves.

If you want to help the Sendera NGO with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Spanish Association of Relatives and People Affected by Epileptic and Developmental Encephalopathy associated with the mutation of the SLC6A1 Gene dedicates its efforts to giving visibility to this disease that is underdiagnosed or confused with others with similar characteristics, since it is a recently discovered disease. The Association seeks to provide hope to families and aims to raise funds to move towards a future in which gene therapy and a possible cure are a reality.

With only six cases diagnosed in Spain, epileptic and developmental encephalopathy SLC6A1 is a genetic disorder characterized by the loss of function of a copy of the SLC6A1 gene (haploinsufficiency) and occurs because there is no correct synthesis of the GAT-1 protein. which directly impacts the transport and recovery of GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and consequently causes continuous electrical activity at the neuronal level that has serious consequences. The clinical picture presented by people with SLC6A1 is characterized by delays in achieving developmental milestones during childhood, altered hand use in babies, or decreased muscle tone (hypotonia).

If you want to help the Asociación SLC6A1 Association with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Warriors need their therapies every day to improve their quality of life.
They need to travel to places in different cities for their check-ups, these are expenses on a scale that social security does not cover either. For this, events are created through the web, in our locations to be able to obtain donations and thereby help those parents who fight against everything every day, to offer these warriors the best.

We organize and attend solidarity markets where we offer donations of artisans and products made by our Presidency (bracelets, necklaces, key chains, soaps, etc.).

Every day we set a goal: to pay for therapies. Because? Because it is the most important thing today for these warriors.
Through our Facebook page and this website, we share their stories, their events and everything that these brave parents who never give up send us.

We take a risk with the purchase of products to be able to sell them and continue adding to this great project.
We also make solidarity food purchases, they are supportive because people make their non-profit donations so that we can make them.

Every day we set ourselves challenges and more challenges that we manage to carry out thanks to you.
We are an Association where what interests us most, makes us happy and proud to have formed it, are our Warriors. For them we will continue forward and continue little by little with our challenges…

If you want to help the Asociación Solidaridad Con Nuestros Niños with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • Soñar Despierto Foundation is a foundation that works every day to ensure that minors who live in children’s homes after being separated from their families as a request for protection, have as normal a childhood as possible and, above all, same opportunities as other children of their age.
  • Soñar Despierto is a Foundation with a presence in; Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Seville, which for more than a decade has been collaborating with the reception centers where minors live who, for various reasons, have had to be separated from their families and have become guardians of the State.

If you want to help the Soñar Despierto Foundation with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • STOP CEGUERA is a non-political and on-denominational NGO, founded in 1997, dedicated to preventing and treating blindness in the world.
  • During these years they have carried out field work in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Republic of Guinea, Senegal and Ethiopia.
  • They estimate that they have restored the sight to more than 4800 previously blind people, and treated more than 30,000 for various pathologies, a third of whom were children.
  • They have hardly ever received any official subsidies and most of the expenses of their campaigns are covered by themselves or by the socio-cultural activities they develop, especially their exhibition Botijos de la Luz.
  • You can find out more at

If you want to help Stop Ceguera with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The association’s mission is to help people who have experienced a stroke and their families to improve their quality of life.

ASIB offers support and activities to achieve:

  • Accepting oneself in the new reality, with dignity and humility.
  • Knowing how to organise one’s own life on the basis of one’s capacities, which are different from before.
  • Accept others for who they are, not just for what they can be or do.
  • Participate and maintain commitment in the tasks and activities carried out in the centre.
  • Have a collective conscience and a spirit of cooperation. Show solidarity.
  • Enjoy every moment of life and do it with joy.
  • To value one’s own positivity. Knowing how to love oneself.

If you want to help Associació Superar l’Ictus Barcelona with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Surestea Association is a non-profit entity declared of public utility in 2019 located in the southeast area of ​​Madrid, which offers resources and support to people with ASD/TGD and their families. Our mission is to guarantee the inclusion of the group and improve the quality of life of people with ASD and families, guided by the principles of normalization and social integration.

If you want to help the Surestea Association with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Fundación Tacumi promotes the integration of children and young people with intellectual disabilities and specific educational needs in ordinary educational centers, from the first stages, supporting families and schools through personalized attention and with professionals who are experts in this educational approach, as well as training and accompany each person in their social integration throughout their life development.

If you want to help the Fundación Tacumi with sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:


The Tayba Association is celebrating its 15th anniversary working mainly along two lines:

  1. Offer activities (educational, cultural, sporting, leisure, etc.) to children and young people. Its star project in this field is currently the launch of the Muslim Scouts of Madrid, a pioneering project in the region that aims to achieve the same success as similar projects in other countries.
  2. To build bridges of knowledge and joint work between the Muslim community and society in general: visibility of the work carried out by the community in its contribution to general welfare, solidarity campaigns, workshops and training courses, coexistence days, interreligious dialogue, etc.

It is estimated that approximately 1,500 direct users benefit annually from Tayba´s activities and around 10,000 through social networks.

If you want to help the Tayba Association with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

Fundación Tomillo is a private, non-profit, non-denominational and independent organisation, founded in 1984. They work to ensure that children and young people from vulnerable backgrounds have opportunities to access a comprehensive and quality education that allows them to develop their full potential and become the protagonists of their future.

Fundación Tomillo is convinced that educational equity is one of the fundamental levers for the reduction of poverty and social inequality.

If you want to help Fundación Tomillo with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVINGS AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

The Unoentrecienmil Foundation has been promoting research projects against childhood leukemia, the most common childhood cancer, since 2012.
Through solidarity initiatives such as La Vuelta Al Cole Unoentrecienmil, in these 10 years they have managed to commit more than 3.5 million euros to research to achieve a complete cure for this disease.

If you want to help the Unoentrecienmil Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • The Vicente Ferrer Foundation was founded in India in 1969 to provide stable solutions to the serious problems faced by the most impoverished communities in Anantapur.
  • They believe in people and in the power of action. They involve the most disadvantaged groups in India to achieve sustainable development and social justice in the process of transforming one of the most impoverished areas of the planet.

If you want to help the Vicente Ferrer Foundation with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

  • The Vida Sostenible Foundation investigates how to improve our planet from our daily lives by focusing on sustainable lifestyles and low footprint living.
  • For this reason, it carries out and disseminates actions within the reach of all sizes and circumstances that allow us to save money, improve our health and take care of our environment.
  • They are committed to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, to promote more sustainable cities, homes and entities with the implementation of their plans and projects.

If you want to help Vida Sostenible with a sustainable and supportive electricity consumption, request your SAVING AND SUSTAINABILITY STUDY here:

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