Unlimited discounts



With our Referral Bonus program, you receive discounts on your bill for each referral that hires their home or business.


With our Confidence Bonus programme, you receive discounts on your bill for each new supply point you contract as a second home or new supply points in your name.


*Descuentos con IVA incluido. Los descuentos de la tarifa 2.0TD con tipo reducido de IVA del 10% aplicable hasta el 31/12/2021 serán de 27,50 €.

Help us grow our Solidarity Community to promote more solidarity projects!!!!

How does it work?

RECOMMEND TO A FRIEND: If you are already a customer of Luz Solidaria, you will automatically receive a personalised link associated with you (within approximately one month of your activation), any contact or invoice that reaches us through this link will be registered with us, and if you end up signing up, once your friend is active with Luz Solidaria, we will give you the discount on your next invoice. You can forward this link by email or whatsapp to your contacts, or add it to social networks by sharing any of our posts..

Are you a customer and you haven't received or can't find the link? We will resend it to you:

WE REWARD YOUR TRUST: If you contract a new supply point, you will automatically receive the trust bonus on the first bill for that new supply.

More information in the legal terms and conditions.

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