Ethical code

Founder members' letter of introduction

Luz Solidaria, a 100% renewable energy marketer, is a social entrepreneurship initiative built after many family conversations and which we have created with the utmost professionalism and enthusiasm, establishing methods and procedures adapted to every need. To all this, we have finally incorporated technology without forgetting the empathy towards the people who rely on our services.

Our mission: to help Spanish households and SMEs save on electricity consumption, promoting the use of renewable energy and allocating the profits to charity projects linked to children, human rights, research and sustainability.

In this sense, we will work to consolidate an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable business model, and for this reason we want to make our Code of Ethics clear, guaranteeing compliance with our commitments and values.


Yours sincerely,


Josefa Jiménez Aragonés

Socia Fundadora

Isabel Jiménez Aragonés

Socia Fundadora

  • Contribute to reduce our consumers’ electricity bills.
  • Promote the use of 100% renewable energy and environmental protection.
  • Generate resources to collaborate in solidarity projects linked to children, human rights, research and sustainability.
  • Build an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable business model.
  • Savings: through the efficient management of our resources to deliver the best tariffs to our consumers’ homes.
  • Sustainability: promotion and use of 100% renewable energy.
  • Solidarity: we allocate our profit to solidarity projects and to grow in order to continue investing in social projects and initiatives linked to children, human rights, research and the environment.

We have joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, and in this way we want to express our commitment to take action and create the sustainable and caring world we want, especially through partnerships with companies, foundations and individuals that contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals #SDGs and the #Agenda2030. We are united in the 2030 Agenda to eradicate extreme poverty, fight climate change and ensure a life of dignity for all people.

We, the shareholders and members of the management team, are committed to the following objectives:

  • Commitment to and compliance with all the principles of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights: non-discrimination on the basis of race, skin colour, sexual identity, language, religion, political orientation, health status, marital status, sexual orientation, national or social origin, social status, ethnicity, disability or any other trait.
  • We will ensure that our performance (social, environmental and economic) is reported and that the information is comprehensive, impartial, accurate, timely and complies with applicable legislation and national and international standards and norms.
  • We will take appropriate action (including reporting to regulators and law enforcement agencies) against those who misuse the Luz Solidaria name and brand.
  • Shareholders, management team and all employees undertake to prevent personal or financial activities from conflicting with the interests of Luz Solidaria and its clients, as well as to ensure that everyone respects the policy on the acceptance of gifts and hospitality. We all assume the commitment to avoid, directly or indirectly, offering, promising or giving money, gifts, or any other advantage to obtain or maintain any type of business linked to Luz Solidaria, as well as any advantage that may influence the company’s decisions.
  • Luz Solidaria seeks to promote and help society and communities to be more sustainable. To this end, we want to involve consumers, collaborating entities, partners and stakeholders to create alliances and add resources aligned with international standards and guidelines such as the UN Global Compact.

One of our main objectives is to provide our customers with the best possible tariffs for 100% renewable energy, contributing to the sustainable development of their homes and society in general. To meet this objective, we will carry out the following actions:

  • We will review and update our products and services.
  • We will analyse our energy procurement strategy and develop partnerships with our suppliers.
  • We will take into account the comments and contributions of our customers to improve our service as a whole.
  • We will guarantee the confidentiality of our clients’ data.

Luz Solidaria is committed to socially responsible management in all aspects, especially those that may directly and indirectly affect its employees. To guarantee this responsible management, we will adopt the following measures:

  • We will ensure the occupational health and safety of all our employees at all times.
  • Los procesos de selección y reclutamiento serán imparciales y profesionales.
  • We will provide training and development to enable growth and promotion within the organisation.
  • We will facilitate equal opportunities and diversity by ensuring a fair wage policy.
  • Harassment and discrimination of any kind will not be accepted.
  • We will at all times respect our employees’ right of association, freedom of expression and the right to collective bargaining. It is also guaranteed that employees can lodge complaints anonymously, avoiding any retaliation in this regard.

Our suppliers are a key part of ensuring the supply of 100% renewable energy.

  • The purchase of energy that we carry out will be made in all cases from producers and/or marketers with Renewable Guarantees of Origin (GoO).
  • Any other supply of products or services shall always be provided on an environmental basis, subject to a prior environmental and social impact assessment.

Respect for the environment is one of Luz Solidaria’s main objectives, so we will only sell 100% renewable energy. Environmental criteria will be present throughout our organisation:

  • Through the dissemination and promotion of responsible energy consumption.
  • With the promotion of good practices in the industry and in society, from our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
  • With the involvement of shareholders, management and employees through good practices within the organisation.
  • In compliance with the relevant environmental rules and regulations. 

Collaboration with social initiatives and projects is one of Luz Solidaria’s main objectives, along with savings and sustainability. In this sense, we are committed to allocating profits to social projects and to growing in order to continue helping people and the environment. In order to achieve this, we will guarantee:

  • Transparent communication of all solidarity actions, informing of donations and beneficiary collaborating entities.
  • Those entities that wish to take part may be natural or legal persons: NGOs, Foundations, Associations, for-profit entities or any social initiative linked to children, human rights, research or sustainability. 
  • Companies participating in the #SavingSustainableAndSolidare Programme will be able to decide to which entities or social initiatives they will allocate the profit collected from their employees’ membership fees.
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