Who are we

Luz Solidaria is the 100% renewable and charitable electricity company that helps you save money and avoid the pollution generated by your electricity consumption. We donate our profits to social work. Our principles are SAVING, SUSTAINABILITY and SOLIDARITY. Fundación Luz Solidaria carries out free savings and sustainability studies with the collaboration of the electricity company Luz Solidaria S.L.

Social entrepreneurship

Luz Solidaria

A participatory and open tool for a renewable and solidarity-based electricity supply, generating recurrent funds for social and environmental purposes.

Luz Solidaria’s open, participatory, and flexible model allows small, non-vulnerable consumers to reduce their energy costs and reduce their environmental impact, generating recurring funds for social aid. Luz Solidaria customers can choose to allocate these resources to fight energy poverty or to support any cause related to any of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, for the benefit of third sector entities, which have free access to this innovative fundraising model.




Our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact and the SDGs

Read the letter of adherence to the United Nations Global Compact and the SDGs here.

Pepi Jiménez, directiva del sector de la energía con más de 12 años de experiencia– Alpiq, Energyhouse, Audax Renovables, Our New Energy, JQ Advisors- llevaba años valorando cómo colaborar en los programas solidarios que le comentaba su hermana Isabel Jiménez, consultora en comunicación y directora Alianzas RSC en Fundación Prevent.
Finalmente deciden aprovechar ambas experiencias para crear una empresa de energía 100 % renovable que destine sus beneficios a fines sociales. De esta forma conectan la experiencia de Pepi en comercialización de electricidad con la de Isabel en programas solidarios, de tal forma que puedan ofrecer a los consumidores un suministro eléctrico más económico, reduciendo sus emisiones contaminantes, a la vez que se generan recursos para obra social.
A esta iniciativa también se suman familiares y profesionales de otros sectores.

Do you want to contribute to a better world?

We offer competitive products and allocate the profit to charitable projects and further growth to help people and the environment.

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